mercoledì 24 settembre 2014

Obama at UN : Airstrikes on ISIS - Words on Ebola Ukraine Iran

We will train and equip forces fighting against these terrorists on the ground," he said. "We will work to cut off their financing, and to stop the flow of fighters into and out of the region."
Laying out a broad vision of American leadership in a changing world, the president also emphasized U.S. efforts in areas where he see increasing momentum among allies: containing Ebola; holding forth with sanctions on Russia while supporting efforts to maintain a ceasefire in Eastern Ukraine, and executing a broad international vision for combating climate change.
"Each of these problems demands urgent attention," he said. "But they are also symptoms of a broader problem — the failure of our international system to keep pace with an interconnected world.
"We have not invested adequately in the public health capacity of developing countries," he said. "Too often, we have failed to enforce international norms when it’s inconvenient to do so. And we have not confronted forcefully enough the intolerance, sectarianism, and hopelessness that feeds violent extremism in too many parts of the globe."
“Russia’s actions in Ukraine challenge this post-war order,” he said, citing the country's February annexation of Crimea followed by the arrival of Russian arms in Eastern Ukraine, where a violent separatist conflict has killed thousands.
"When a civilian airliner was shot down from areas that these proxies controlled, [pro-Russian separatists] refused to allow access to the crash for days," he said. "When Ukraine started to reassert control over its territory, Russia gave up the pretense of merely supporting the separatists, and moved troops across the border.

Obama at UN : Airstrikes on ISIS - Words on Ebola Ukraine Iran

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giovedì 18 settembre 2014

Obama Offers More Helps to Ukrainian President Poroshenko

President Barack Obama has offered additional security assistance to Ukrainian President Poroshenko in its standoff with Russia.
Video and news article by voanews.
Speaking Thursday at the White House following talks with visiting President Petro Poroshenko at his side, Obama announced an additional $53 million in fresh aid to Ukraine - $46 million to bolster Ukraine's security and $7 million in humanitarian aid.
Obama praised the Ukrainian leader for brokering a recent cease-fire in the conflict in the county’s east and for pushing through legislation granting areas controlled by pro-Russia rebels broader self-rule.
Affirming once again that Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity are not negotiable, Obama said that the U.S. will continue to mobilize the international community to seek a diplomatic solution to the conflict.
“Russia cannot dictate the terms,” Obama assured Poroshenko, saying that he has “a strong friend not only in me personally” but also strong bipartisan support in Congress.
In related developments, the White House says U.S. Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker will lead a U.S. delegation to Ukraine next week for talks on economic reforms needed to build an economy that attracts private capital.

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martedì 16 settembre 2014

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