giovedì 30 luglio 2015

Furti ai Bancomat - Tecnica della Forchetta : Video WebCam Polizia

Video con le immagini della webcam della Polizia sui furti ai Bancomat col metodo della forchetta.

La Polizia di Stato ha eseguito 2 misure cautelari non detentive a carico di 2 cittadini rumeni e 4 perquisizioni personali e locali a carico dei 2 rumeni e di altri 2 italiani per associazione per delinquere finalizzata alla commissione di furti aggravati, continuati, ai danni di sportelli bancomat di numerose banche e uffici postali di Roma e provincia.

Tale operazione scaturisce da mirati servizi di prevenzione e repressione del fenomeno c.d. cash trapping e di una lunga e articolata attività d'indagine da parte del Compartimento Polizia Postale e delle Comunicazioni di Roma che ha verificato il modus operandi dei soggetti.

Veniva  inserito, all'interno della bocchetta dello sportello bancomat che eroga le banconote, un manufatto metallico della lunghezza di circa 18 cm (c.d. "forchetta", per la presenza di due "denti" su un'estremità) e congegnato in modo da "catturare" il denaro erogato dallo sportello.

Una volta posizionata la "forchetta", uno dei malfattori si allontanava, in attesa che un ignaro cliente effettuasse un prelievo di denaro contante utilizzando lo sportello manomesso.

Nel momento in cui veniva richiesta l'effettuazione di un prelievo, infatti, le banconote venivano bloccate in uscita dalla "forchetta", che ne impediva il ritiro. Dopo trenta secondi dall'erogazione del denaro senza che il cliente fosse riuscito a ritirarlo, l'ATM chiudeva automaticamente lo sportello.

A questo punto, appena l'utente si allontanava a mani vuote, uno dei malviventi, utilizzando una sorta di grimaldello (cacciavite, coltellino, forbici per unghie, etc.) rimuoveva dalla bocchetta la "forchetta", impossessandosi delle banconote.

Si tratta di una metodologia superata da nuove forme criminali, che vedono la Polizia Postale e delle Comunicazioni sempre più impegnata, sia sul fronte della prevenzione che sul fronte del contrasto, in una sfida tesa a mettere sempre più in sicurezza il cittadino da possibili attacchi dei criminali informatici.

La Polizia di Stato consiglia agli utenti di prestare sempre la massima attenzione quando effettuano operazioni presso gli sportelli che erogano denaro.

sabato 25 luglio 2015

Incidente Mortale Auto Contromano su Tangenziale di Napoli

Grave incidente sulla tangenziale di Napoli per un auto contromano guidata da un conducente risultato positivo all'alcoltest. Due morti.

giovedì 16 luglio 2015

Stephen Hawking on NASA New Horizons Team - Pluto

Professor Stephen Hawking, regarded as one of the most brilliant theoretical physicists in history, congratulates the NASA New Horizons team.

On July 14, 2015, New Horizons became the first spacecraft to visit the dwarf planet Pluto, completing a 9 year, 3 billion mile journey for its historic flyby.

Video by NASA.

martedì 14 luglio 2015

Iran Deal To Prevent Nuclear Weapon - The Program

The Program of the deal with Iran to prevent it obtaining a nuclear weapon.

Building a nuclear bomb requires either uranium or plutonium. But thanks to this deal, Iran’s four possible ways to leverage those fissile materials are blocked.

Under the framework for an Iran nuclear deal Iran's uranium enrichment pathway to a weapon will be shut down

The Uranium pathways at Natanz and Fordow

Iran would needs two key elements to construct a uranium bomb: tens of thousands of centrifuges and enough highly enriched uranium to produce enough material to construct a uranium bomb.

There are currently two uranium enrichment facilities in the country: the Natanz facility and the Fordow facility.

Let’s take a look at Iran’s uranium stockpile first. Currently, Iran has a uranium stockpile to create 8 to ten nuclear bombs.

But thanks to this nuclear deal, Iran must reduce its stockpile of uranium by 98%, and will keep its level of uranium enrichment at 3.67% -- significantly below the enrichment level needed to create a bomb.

Iran also needs tens of thousands of centrifuges to create highly enriched uranium for a bomb. Right now, Iran has nearly 20,000 centrifuges between their Natanz and Fordow facilities. But under this deal, Iran must reduce its centrifuges to 6,104 for the next ten years. No enrichment will be allowed at the Fordow facility at all, and the only centrifuges Iran will be allowed to use are their oldest and least efficient models.

In short, here’s the difference this historic deal will make:

Under the framework for an Iran nuclear deal Iran's uranium enrichment pathway to a weapon will be shut down

The Plutonium pathway at the Arak reactor

The third way Iran could build a nuclear weapon is by using weapons-grade plutonium. The only site where Iran could accomplish this is the Arak reactor, a heavy-water nuclear reactor. Right now, this reactor could be used in a weapons program, but under this deal, the Arak reactor will be redesigned so it cannot produce any weapons-grade plutonium. And all the spent fuel rods (which could also be source material for weapons-grade plutonium) will be sent out of the country as long as this reactor exists. What’s more, Iran will not be able to build a single heavy-water reactor for at least 15 years. That means, because of this deal, Iran will no longer have a source for weapons-grade plutonium.

A covert pathway to building a secret nuclear program

The previous three pathways occur at facilities that Iran has declared. But what if they try to build a nuclear program in secret? That’s why this deal is so important. Under the new nuclear deal, Iran has committed to extraordinary and robust monitoring, verification, and inspection. International inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will not only be continuously monitoring every element of Iran’s declared nuclear program, but they will also be verifying that no fissile material is covertly carted off to a secret location to build a bomb. And if IAEA inspectors become aware of a suspicious location, Iran has agreed to implement the Additional Protocol to their IAEA Safeguards Agreement, which will allow inspectors to access and inspect any site they deem suspicious. Such suspicions can be triggered by holes in the ground that could be uranium mines, intelligence reports, unexplained purchases, or isotope alarms.

Basically, from the minute materials that could be used for a weapon comes out of the ground to the minute it is shipped out of the country, the IAEA will have eyes on it and anywhere Iran could try and take it:

Under the framework for an Iran nuclear deal Iran's uranium enrichment pathway to a weapon will be shut down

What Iran’s Nuclear Program Would Look Like Without This Deal

As it stands today, Iran has a large stockpile of enriched uranium and nearly 20,000 centrifuges, enough to create 8 to 10 bombs. If Iran decided to rush to make a bomb without the deal in place, it would take them 2 to 3 months until they had enough weapon-ready uranium (or highly enriched uranium) to build their first nuclear weapon. Left unchecked, that stockpile and that number of centrifuges would grow exponentially, practically guaranteeing that Iran could create a bomb—and create one quickly – if it so chose.

Images by WhiteHouse.

Barack Obama Historic Deal with Iran to Prevent Nuclear Weapon

WH video about the President Barack Obama announcing an historic deal with Iran to prevent its nuclear weapon.

After many months of principled diplomacy, the P5+1 -- the United States, the United Kingdom, France, China, Russia and Germany -- along with the European Union, have achieved a long-term comprehensive nuclear deal with Iran that will verifiably prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon and ensure that Iran's nuclear program will be exclusively peaceful going forward.

This deal stands on the foundation of the Joint Plan of Action (JPOA), achieved in November of 2013, and the framework for this Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), announced in Lausanne on April 2, 2015 that set the requirements for the deal with the P5+ 1 and Iran, alongside the European Union announced today.

Now, with this deal in place, the U.S., our allies, and the international community can know that tough, new requirements will keep Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.

Cartone Animato Monkaa - Film Completo di Animazione

Un fantastico cartone animato dal titolo Monkaa, un breve ma completo film di animazione per YouTube.

It has been released as an Open Movie, including all production files and tutorials, as CC-BY at and as DVD in the store.

Produced by: Weybec

Released by Blender Cloud and e-store

Google Doodle New Horizons Pluto Flyby - Video Animation

Video animation of the new Google Doodle in honors of New Horizons Pluto Flyby.

Earth is getting its first chance for an up close and personal peek at Pluto, the ball of rock and ice orbiting at the furthest edge of our solar system.

It’s all thanks to New Horizons, a thousand-pound space probe NASA sent spinning through space at 31,000 miles per hour. The probe’s interstellar jaunt spanned more than 9 years and 3 billion miles. That’s one heck of a commute!

The pictures New Horizons will send back to Earth are the first of their kind, painting scientists a more vivid picture of the far-off dwarf planet. Armed with these new insights, we’ll be able to pave a path for the next milestone in mankind’s journey of cosmic discovery.

Today’s Doodle was created by Kevin Laughlin in honor of New Horizons’ intrepid voyage to Pluto’s distant corner of the solar system. Celebrate this scientific breakthrough on NASA’s New Horizons YouTube page, where you’ll find videos detailing the extraordinary discoveries the space probe uncovers.

Doodle by Google.

domenica 12 luglio 2015

Marquez Wins 2015 MotoGp in Germany - 2th Pedrosa 3th Rossi

2015 MotoGp in Sachsenring, Germany: Marc Marquez wins, Dani Pedrosa second and Valentino Rossi third place.

News by Honda.

Repsol Honda’s Marc Marquez has sealed a perfect weekend in Germany after his sixth victory in a row in Sachsenring, recording a new race lap record en route to victory, following his pole position record yesterday. Teammate Dani Pedrosa also had a strong race, fending off Championship leader Valentino Rossi to take a well earned second place.

Marc and Dani both lost a position on the opening lap as Jorge Lorenzo made his way to the front. On lap four, Dani lost another position to Valentino and dropped down to 4th as Marc overtook Jorge into first. Once out front, Marc never looked back and began to open up a gap, recording a new lap record on lap ten with a time of 1’21.530 (beating Dani’s 2011 time of 1’21.846). On the following lap, Dani passed Jorge – after he’d lost a spot to Valentino – and took 3rd place and began to chase down the Italian. Dani passed Valentino on lap seventeen and tried to open a gap, but was unable to drop him. The two riders rode in tandem for several laps before Dani, with three laps remaining, set his fastest time (1’21.714) as he had one last push to secure second place.

This is the team’s first 1-2 since this race last year and the sixth successive year Marc has won from pole at the Sachsenring. Dani has had seven podium finishes from his nine starts in the MotoGP class at the Sachsenring, including four wins.

As the season reached the midway point and the teams have a chance to enjoy a Summer break, Marc has closed the gap slightly in the World Championship. Valentino remains on top with 179, Jorge second with 166, Andrea Iannone is in third with 118 and Marc is just four points off him on 114. Dani has moved up to seventh in the standings on 67.

The team will now pack up in Germany and head to Italy for a three-day test in Misano. The first two days will be on Bridgestone and the final day will be on the 2016 tyre manufacturer. They will then have two weeks holiday before flying west to the U.S.A for round ten in Indianapolis on the 9th August.

Marquez Vince Motogp Germania - Valentino Rossi 3° Lorenzo 4°

Marquez Vince Motogp Germania - Valentino Rossi 3° Lorenzo 4°

2015 Germany MotoGP Sachsenring - Marc Marquez Pole Position

Repsol Honda’s Marc Marquez and Dani Pedrosa put on a masterclass today at Germany’s Sachsenring, dominating qualifying with a 1-2 finish.
Having led every session so far of the weekend, Marc began qualifying calm but confident. He smashed his own lap record by 0.6 seconds (1’20.937, 2014) on his second qualifying run with his time of 1’20.336 (lap 6/8). Tomorrow Marc will be looking to make it six successive wins at the German GP – all from pole position – after two wins in MotoGP (2013, 2014), two wins in Moto2 (2011 and 2012) and one win in 125cc (2010).
Teammate Dani has also been extremely competitive all weekend and qualified second for tomorrow’s 30 lap race with time of 1’20.628 (lap 7/10). Dani will be pushing for his 5th win in MotoGP class in Sachsenring after wins in 2007, 2010, 2011 & in 2012.

venerdì 10 luglio 2015

Video Camera Nascosta Maltrattamenti su Anziani - Webcam Polizia

Maltrattamenti su anziani ripresi dalla video camera o webcam nascosta in una casa di riposo.

Comunicato della Polizia. Prato: blitz Polizia all'interno di una casa di riposo per anziani.

La Polizia di Stato di Prato ha eseguito nove misure cautelari a carico di altrettanti Operatori Socio Sanitari – OSS – e infermieri in servizio presso una  struttura sanitaria con sede a Prato.

I reati riguardano ipotesi di maltrattamento e lesioni in danno di anziani ricoverati presso la struttura, anziani affetti da gravi patologie invalidanti e non autosufficienti. In molti casi sono stati registrati ipotesi di furto di denaro in danno dei ricoverati.

L’attività investigativa, svolta anche con l’ausilio della Direzione Sanitaria della ASL 4 di Prato, ha messo in luce una situazione grave, di umiliazione continua degli anziani, anche in momenti delicati della loro vita, e un contesto generalizzato di tali condotte

Quotidiani erano i maltrattamenti fisici e morali nei confronti dei degenti, sottoposti, senza alcun motivo, a strattonamenti e a condotte lesive della loro integrità fisica. Altrettanto quotidiani erano le condotte di dileggio e ingiuria verso gli ospiti della residenza, che ne denotano una costante volontà vessatoria nei confronti dei malati.

Altri quattro dipendenti risultano indagati senza che nei loro confronti sia stata applicata misura cautelare.

Per tutti è stata applicata la misura cautelare della sospensione dall’esercizio di pubblico servizio per periodi da sei mesi a un anno. Le persone destinatarie della misura sono residenti tra le provincie di Prato e Pistoia.

martedì 7 luglio 2015

Animated Google Doodle - Eiji Tsuburaya Sci-Fi Film Creator

The new Animated Google Doodle dedicated to the Eiji Tsuburaya’s 114th Birthday, creator of well-known sci-fi-films. Amazing interactive Google Doodle.

Eiji Tsuburaya’ was the Japanese special effects director responsible for many Japanese science-fiction movies, being one of the co-creators of the Godzilla series, as well as the main creator of Ultraman.

The lights dim. Cameras start to roll. A film crew silently watches. Suddenly! From behind a hand-built skyline, a towering beast appears! Shaking off a layer of dust, the massive foam-and-rubber monster leans back to act out an amazing roar (the sound effect will be added in later). Then, stomping towards the camera, the giant moves closer, and closer, until…”Cut!”

Seen this film before? This live action genre, known as “Tokusatsu” (特撮) in Japanese, is unmistakable in its style, and still evident in many modern beast-based thrillers. In today’s Doodle, we spotlight one of Tokusatsu’s kings, Eiji Tsuburaya, the quiet pioneer who created Ultraman, co-created Godzilla, and brought Tokusatsu to the global cinematic mainstream. Doodler Jennifer Hom led us through the inspiration behind the interactive Doodle.

Doodle by Google.

sabato 4 luglio 2015